Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Abnormal Relationships

The social fabric of the Indian society received a serious jolt of late.First due to misadventures of Shiny Ahuja,raping his maid and then the IAS officer trying to molest his junior Panchayat officer.This had just been widely covered by the print and the electronic media when came out the Delhi High Court verdict.The verdict gave recognition to homosexuals and lesbian couples.This resulted in a mass celebrations headed by the "Naaj Foundation" that had taken up the cause on behalf of this community.This created a furore and started a debate initiated by all the religious preachers belonging to all religions.I think we have been given an overdose of social jolts.

Relationship to me are really pious and sacred.My perception of relationship differs from the one painted by the Delhi High Court.I believe. we have a history of cultural activities based on what we have practiced.I do not believe in the theory of "To each his own".I think we are social animals who have to respect certain traditions and values.They were accepted voluntarily by us.No one thrust them on us.The natural relationship is the best relationship.I don't think gay and lesbian relationship can deliver that kind of bliss and satisfaction.The basis of human relationship was laid down a long time ago by the renowned scientist 'NEWTON' .He clearly jotted the third law of magnetism, which states that "unlike poles attract each other and like poles repel each other".

Relationships carries a lot of depth and emotions.This can only be attributed to the normal relations.Holding hands,delivering sweet notes,anxiety of seeing your mate(belonging to opposite sex) can only be felt by a man and a woman.Such feelings form the basis of relationships.Gay or lesbian relations advocates may support that they too feel and enjoy such emotions but I doubt their sincerity.

Lastly,let the honorable supreme court discuss the verdict.I am sure the judiciary would keep in mind the feelings and sentiments of religious preachers and the general public,This being a very sensitive issue would be handled with kid gloves respecting the feelings of the concerned parties.Let the amicable and practical solution thwart the attempts of being categorised it as "cultural terrorism".We all await the final judgement of the honorable supreme court of India.




Friday, June 26, 2009

Our Character

The recent discussions and the coverage the two incidents got through the media,makes me sit back and scratch my grey cells.No guesses for the right answers.Yes,I am talking about Shiny's rape case and the IAS officer from Bhopal caught with pants off on the camera.Honestly, I am feeling ashamed of the two avoidable incidents which cannot contribute in any meaningful way.This just depicts the deteriorating standards of our moral values.I hung my head in shame even if there is little truth in them.

This calls for serious introspection of ourselves.We are no better than animals.Even they would be ashamed of what we the so called civilized society is up to? Atleast,I have not seen any male animal running after another male.Even, a successful so called hero is never expected to rape his maid who earns her livelihood by working for him.These are the two most disturbing factors that isolates one from the civic society.Look at the so called offenders-One a successful hero who portrays all good things on screen and other belonging to elite IAS Service cadre,in the Public Service.Both have served in their own ways.

In order to protect our society from such acts,we need to stress more importance on moral policing.It is the feeling and belief that has to be a part of every human being's personality.He or she needs to adhere strictly to it.The Govt.of the day can just order a fast track settlement or suspend the concerned official.It is the Public in general and the Parents and teachers in particular who have to inculcate the moral values in the future generations.

Lastly,I fully endorse the view that media should be applauded for highlighting the social evils.Like in this case.They are the real pillars of democracy,in addition to the Parliament,Executive and Judiciary.If they don't highlight such incidents,we would be still living in the fool's paradise believing that everything is fine in our house.Let's applaud the good and suppress the evil.That is the only way we can fulfill our dreams of a civilized society.Let the Shiny's and Bhopal IAS official realize that we don't support them or their activities.My congratulations to the maid and the Punchayat secretary for exposing the evil deeds of their masters.Let the two get together and make a formidable couple.



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